[Purpose] This research analyzed how seat range and gender impact maximal

[Purpose] This research analyzed how seat range and gender impact maximal torque and muscle mass strength when driving to present foundation data for the optimal driving posture. statistically significant variations in maximal torque between seat distances of 50 and 70% and 90% of the arm size. Muscle strength, in contrast, was found to be the greatest at a seat range of 70% of Sapitinib arm size. [Summary] We conclude that higher torque can be obtained when the steering wheel is definitely nearer the seat while greater muscle mass strength can be obtained when the seat distance from your steering wheel is definitely 70% of the arm size. Key terms: Maximal torque, Muscle mass strength, Arm size INTRODUCTION When traveling, slumping often happens; drivers move their hips ahead when they feel uncomfortable mainly because of the inadequate design of car seats. Their intention is definitely to shift to a more comfortable position when the level of seat is definitely too low, the cushion of the seat is too firm, or the back of a Sapitinib seat is not properly reclined1). This trend happens when drivers adopt a comfortable posture instead of a correct one, and it often results in a bent backbone and, consequently, low back pain2). Musculoskeletal disorders such as low back pain and shoulder discomfort often arise from doing simple repetitive jobs and appear in the low back, neck, shoulders, arms, and legs3). Long hours of traveling may yield fatigue in the neck, shoulders, or low back. Pain might be the result of sitting posture, vibration during traveling, tension, or fatigue4). Gyi and Porter5), in their study of musculoskeletal disorders of policemen, reported that shoulder discomfort was a significant problem for traveling policemen. Porter and Gyi6) also found that drivers are more likely to have low back pain than people operating either while sitting or standing up. Kim et al.7) reported that workers in the transport market had a 2.14 subjective degree of fatigue on a 5-point level, and the main locations of pain were the shoulders (56.59%), neck (50.24%), and knees (43.90%). Judic et al.8) examined some previous studies proposing an optimal driving posture based on comfortable posture, and measured mean ideals of angles for each joint. They made an alternative proposal of an optimal posture that takes into consideration all the aspects of traveling posture. Lee9), in his study of uncomfortableness of elbow motion, applied a magnitude estimation method to kinematic guidelines of the elbow joint and made a quantitative estimation of the degree of uncomfortableness of the steering motion. His analysis of uncomfortableness was based on the measurement of the radius and angle of the steering wheel, and the distance between a driver’s shoulders and the steering wheel. Andreoni et al.10) performed a 3D analysis of the pressure between a driver’s joint angle and the seat in a sitting position. Kyung and Nussbaum11) offered three kinds of subjective evaluation (overall evaluation, pain, and comfort and ease) in assessing the design and layout of seats based on body pressure distribution. Hostens and Ramon4) investigated the activation of the muscles during driving, and active and passive motion using surface electromyography of the deltoid muscle Sapitinib of both the shoulders and the trapezius muscle. Most analyses of driving postures have been conducted from the perspective of mechanical engineering, technology, industry, and ergonometric engineering. However, little research has been reported in the literature that focuses on maximal torque and muscle strength according to arm length and gender. The goal of this Tsc2 study was to propose an optimal driving posture based on the key factors of maximal torque and muscle strength. SUBJECTS AND METHODS Twenty-seven college students in their 20’s who were attending a University located in Chonan, Korea, participated in the present research. They all voluntarily agreed to participate in the experiment after an orientation session about the research. The subjects were healthy adults who had no congenital deformity in the upper body or neurologic disorder. Table 1 shows the physical characteristics of the subjects participating in the present research. The Ethics Committee of Namseoul University in Korea approved the study. Table 1. Subject characteristics The orientation session conducted with the subjects offered the subjects a detailed explanation of the contents of the research. All the subjects signed a consent form before the experiment began. A body composition analyzer (InBody 720, Biospace, Korea) was used to measure their basic physical characteristics. Fig. 2. Seat distance of 90% of arm length Fig. 3. Seat distance of 70% of arm length We measured the arm lengths of the subjects in a standing position with their shoulder joints in 90 flexion. A tape measure (Fitting, Apsun, Korea) was used to measure the arm length from the acromion.

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